The Belgian fisheries sector has taken a lot of initiative in recent years to further sustainability. For example, in collaboration with the Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research (ILVO), the sector has developed a sustainability assessment tailored to the Belgian fisheries sector, based on the VALDUVIS tool. Based on eleven indicators, an annual overview of the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the Belgian fishing fleet is produced. Through this tool, shipowners can also gain insight into their own score at vessel level. Overviews can be generated of the evolution of the sustainability of the entire fleet, sub-fleets or individual vessels over several years.
Shipowners are motivated to take action and improve their scores by rewarding their efforts through the Fisheries Sustainable Market Recognition. This recognition is awarded to vessels that meet a certain minimum score and commit to raising their score within a three-year period. The launch of this recognition (June 2018) was the first step to communicate the efforts of the Belgian fishing fleet to buyers. What VALDUVIS scores lead to this "Fishing Sustainably" recognition of the activities of Belgian fishing vessels, what is included in the commitment statement and how compliance with the conditions for recognition is monitored was defined in the B2B chargebook.
Application for VV recognition for fishing vessels
If you, as the owner of a Belgian fishing vessel, want to qualify for Fisheries Sustainable recognition, the steps below must be completed:
- Step 1: completing and signing a commitment statement (see below).
- Step 2: Deliver the engagement statement completed and signed to the manager Shipyard Central(
- Step 3: Contact ILVO for an initial exploratory interview with an ILVO scientist at Tel: 059/ 56 98 76 or e-mail: or
- Step 3: In this exploratory interview, shipowners are guided individually. Based on their individual VALDUVIS score, the shipowner receives a personalized improvement plan, which defines actions that will lead to a better score. This process is done in collaboration with shipowners to ensure that the actions described are achievable.
- Step 4: if the minimum score and all other provisions laid down in the B2B charge book (also available on this website) are achieved, the vessel is made visible as Fishery Preserved on the auction clock in all Belgian auctions.